Gig Review: Major Lazer


O2 Academy 15/10/15

By Stella Yanakieva


When I say ‘energy’, you say ‘flavour’. If you were at the O2 Academy for the explosive Major Lazer gig, you will know exactly what I’m talking about! Experimental DJ Mumdance & the 1997-born MC Novelist gave a not-so-great-warm-up slam but nonetheless a decent effort to excite a crowd already bubbling with anticipation for Diplo and crew. Then the blonde sensation Elliphant, dressed in what can be only be described as gym clothes and equiped with heavy, white boots that looked like they came from the future, rolled in to deliver a proper pre-show build-up and blow our minds with her authentic and unapologetic ghetto style.


I’ll use the following wee break to fill you in with some useful facts. Diplo has long been in the electronic game and he’s proven to be good at everything he does, no joke about that – the man loves his job. This is not his first time in Glaswegian teritory, but it is a first for Major Lazer who are currently on tour, exploring Europe’s finest spots and promoting their first LP. After two EPs, ‘Jillionaire’ and ‘Walshy Fire’, they finally released their full album in June, ‘Peace is the Mission’. Not only that, Diplo teamed up with Skrillex earlier this year in the collaboration Jack Ü for an album. On top of all this, he’s a producer for artists like MØ, Iggy Azalea, Justin Bieber, Die Antwoord, Robyn, Usher, M.I.A., and even Beyonce. But let’s not get too carried away from the gig!


After a brief pause and a crowd chanting “Ma-jor-La-zer”, there they were: bass, confetti blasts, jungle, jumping, dubstep drops, and dancing – lots of dancing. One second the crowd was twerking and feeling the drums of ‘Pon de Floor’, the next moment everybody is going down to the groovy, reggae vibes of ‘Get Free’ and ‘Watch Out For This’. Of course, soon enough their absolute hit ‘Lean On’ arrived and they had the whole O2 echoing All we need is somebody to lean on”.


Major Lazer brought to life a beautifully orchestrated gig with just enough confetti exploding, indispensable drops and a 4-piece female dance crew who danced through the whole thing in a simple but rigorous manner. No wonder Diplo named his label Mad Decent. There’s no better word to describe a Major Lazer gig than madness – unforgettable and absolutely mind-blowing madness.


If anything, Major Lazer simply proves one universal fact: boys just wanna have fun!


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