Strathclyde Telegraph

Online only: the favourite tracks of Asquith and Imre Kiss


Lobster Theremin have just celebrated their third birthday with a party at Corsica Studios in London. Their sizeable catalogue and presence in the world of UK and European electronic music suggests an existence far longer than the reality. With tours taking them across the globe, artists from across the continents, and a following that has seen showcases being put on regularly across Europe, it’s testament to the output of one of the key figures in the new generation of UK electronic music labels. Ahead of their show on Friday at the Berkeley Suite with Loose Joints, label-boss Asquith and label-affiliate Imre Kiss have sent over some music for us to enjoy.

Five second hand digs from Asquith:

Cubic 22 – Night In Motion

The Track Addicts – The Club Track


Jay-J and Chris Lum – Stronger


Federal Hill – There’s Got To Be A Way [TMVS Club Rub Mix]


Quakerman – Schlam Me (Work Mix) + (U Star Mix)


Imre Kiss’s five favourite tracks from 2016

Steven Julien – Jedi

“Steven Julien made one of the best albums this year. Classic Chicago house, ambient and weird funk…it’s all in there mixed perfectly.
It was hard to choose a song but “Jedi” stands out for me.”
Ondo Fudd – Veto Plank

“I’m hooked by everything this guy does. His productions under Ondo Fudd and his Call Super alias are both excellent.
Love the tribal, atmospheric mood of this one especially.”
Khotin – Recycle (5AM Reflective Mix)

“Beautiful simple detuned synth work here. I love when the the acid parts come in and give the song a different edge.”
Mono Junk – Panic Of The Disco Fan

“I’ve picked this up in Strasbourg. It was recommended by a local record shop owner after we spoke about our mutual love for 80’s wave and industrial music.
The record sounds like it could have been made in the 80’s. It can also blow up dance floors.”

Huerco S – Promises Of Fertility

“I can listen to this song over and over again. It’s like a warm blanket on a cold winter night.
Big respect to Brian for making such a personal ambient album.”


Asquith and Imre Kiss play at The Berkeley Suite on Friday the 7th of October alongside the Loose Joints DJs.

Tickets are available from Resident Advisor
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